Research for Design
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Research for Design


Havells, Lloyd, Faber



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Plato once said, “Our need will be the real creator”. However, with the evolution of human experiences, need-identification requires a deep dive into the human psyche and acceptance trends. This gives rise to design thinking and design problem solving, for which the key component is design research. 

GDD, in partnership with their clients, has ensured that all their projects are based on well-founded research and a deep understanding of the market dynamics based on consumer interactions and shop floor interactions. 

GDD’s Role:

  • Interactions with the consumers 
  • Interactions with Shop Floor Salesman 
  • Identification of User Pain Points 
  • User Persona creation 
  • Consumer Journey mapping 
  • Need Gap Analysis 
  • Design insight generation 

Based on this approach, GDD has helped its clients create multiple award-winning products.

To know more about our approach to Design Research, drop a mail at

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Research for Design